Hashnotes; ; 1434 KB; Antlogic; Productivity
Hashnotes is a handy notebook with #hashtags and @mentions, which allows you to create and manage your notes as fast as never before. Within Hashnotes you can keep unlimited number of notes, organized using the tags. Adding new note: - Press the global shortcut or the Dock icon to open Hashnotes - Type your note text and some #tags like #work, #urgent - Make your note visible in the list by adding priority #!!! or #blue color tags - Close the application Searching for note: - Press the global shortcut or the Dock icon to open Hashnotes - Type #work tag or any other text in the search field - Press return and go to the search results - Press return once you get to your note
on Mojave 6IW-3.3.2-HASHNOTES.PKG
Featured! version JAcupT-Hashnotes-ver.-1.5.2.tar.gz
Version for High Sierra rtqBO.vers.1.3.6.Hashnotes.dmg
Updated version Hashnotes_v.1.6.2_Kik.pkg
Version for iMac ProVER-3.3.8-CANDYBAR-3TN.TAR.GZ (26459 kb) 3.5.4
Version to 10.13SOCKS. (2376 kb) 2.0.2
New MacOS5X58sJ-vers-1.00.2398-Dream-Day-First-Home.app (74854 kb) 1.00.2298
to MacOSSOBGSN.DENSITY.V.2.1.0.PKG (15531 kb) 3.0.0
Best SierraiVisit_X_v.3.8.5_1aAQ.app (1007 kb) 3.10.4
| 1606 kbytes | Get HASHNOTES V 1.6.2 ZXXQ 1.5.2 to High Sierra
| 1462 kbytes | Download Hashnotes ver 1.3.6 KPHdWW 2.3.2 MacOS
| 1405 kbytes | Software 1.6.2 HASHNOTES RCUMA3 1.5.2 Featured to El Captan
| 1634 kbytes | Software 61Klp Hashnotes version 2.3.2 1.3.5 10.12.5
| 1577 kbytes | Free 1.3.5 HASHNOTES 4V0V 1.5.2 Recomended Sierra
| 1233 kbytes | vers 1.5.2 Hashnotes ALK 2.3.2 Version Sierra

Ve el perfil de Juan Pablo Re en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Juan Pablo tiene 10 empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los contactos y empleos de Juan Pablo en empresas similares. Hashnotes is a handy notebook with #hashtags and @mentions, which allows you to create and manage your notes as fast as never before. Within Hashnotes you can keep unlimited number of notes, organized using the tags. ‎Hashnotes is a handy notebook with #hashtags and @mentions, which allows you to create and manage your notes as fast as never before. Within Hashnotes you can keep unlimited number of notes, organized using the tags. Adding new note: - press the global shortcut or the Dock icon to open Hashnotes.

#Notes (HashNotes) is a simple, different but efficient Notepad Application (Notes)


It is flexible,very easy to use and adjustable to your own unique needs.Can be used to store/save all kind of notes needed in everyday file, all in one application!
Digital arts crafts studio downloadanimationsupport. Diary,memo writing,email,message,shopping list,todo list, payment list, due list and all kinds of useful notes can be organized in a way that works!

Instasize app for iphone. All Notes are categorized and searched by using hashtags! (Words which start with a '#') , for example a hashtag is #twitter or #Notes

While we type in our notes,anywhere we want in its body, we type its tags to categorize it. Multiple tags can be used in the same note
Example Note
Serviced my #car, i paid 100$, they told me soon i have to change my tires.
#service #todo #20130819
The above note, is tagged with #car, #service,#todo, #20130819 and can be searched throughout all notes by using those hashtags.
When we want to see notes relating with car, we use #car to find them.
If we want more specific search, like when did we service our car, we use both tags (#car #service)
If we search for #todo, then the message will appear again!

Windows 7 64 bit iso torrent. Changing Password :
Open preferences,type in the password the word 'pass' (without the quotes) , then press blue tick.
After, type new pass, press blue tick,type again the same pass and press the blue tick.
When you open the application again, the app, the new password should be set !:)

*Features #Notes
-Organize notes by multiple hashtags
-Maximum 100 different hashtags in each note
-Service Mode
-Black & White Theme
-Two Design Interfaces
-Relative Notes (When user reads a note, by pressing the LINK button, all similar notes appear!)
-HTML View
-GroupTags (combining many tags into one grouptag)
-AND/OR operator in searching through hashtags
-ASC/DEC (Sort Notes by Ascending or Descending Order Creation Date)
-ASC/DEC (Sort Notes by Title Alphabetical order)
-Accurate/Not Accurate Search
-Spinner to select HashTags from.
-#lock HashTag (Locks the note,needs password to open)
-#alert HashTag (Displays the note, when application opens)
-#R130829 HashTag (Displays the note,when application opens IF date is 29/08/13
-#R130829-XX HashTag (Note will appear on notelist when application opens ,XX days before 29/08/13 and every day until 29/08/13)
-#R130829+XX HashTag (Note will appear on notelist when application opens,every day starting from 29/08/13, for XX further days!
-Rmon HashTag (Note will appear on notelist only in Mondays) (other are mon tue wed.etc)
-Rsep HashTag (Note will appear on notelist only during Semtember) (other are feb,mar,apr,jun etc.)
-Auto#Date (Adds automatically date hashtag when note is created or modified
-Save Database (Save Database to external Card, backup)
-Load Database (Load Database from the external Card)
-New Database (Starts a new clean database)
-Change Master Password (Default is 'pass')
-Export from #Notes to Text Files
-Import from text files to #Notes
-#live (make a note to open a website)

Ability to receive notes/e-mails :) Instead of typing a note with your phone, write the note in Gmail, and sent it from your pc :) (or share your note with someone else)

Hush Notes Series

Smart HashTags
- #lock (Locks the note,needs password to open)
- #alert HashTag (Displays the note, when application open)
- #R(date) (example #R290813)
- #R(date)-XX (example #R130830-02)
- #R(date)+XX (example #R130830+02)
-#R(day) (example #Rwed)
-#R(month) (example #Raug)
-#(grouptag) (example #(family) (warning it needs parenthesis!)

hashtags #hashtags

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