Then use the azure MFA NPS plug-in on a separate server, or use an Azure AD App Proxy and pre-auth in the browser. We used to do the former, now do the later. Users prefer it, no port forwards, no second NPS server, etc. See full list on

This period it's crazy and only in science fiction movies saw this situation. But now it's real and must be prepare for lot of changes in the future.

Most of the employee today works from home with Business or Personal Laptops.

Azure Mfa Remote Desktop

IT Pro must already have in place a Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery.

But when you have users to work from home with personal laptops because you don't have other Business Laptops then you must be prepare to protect your company from any unathorize access and attacks in every level.

Azure Mfa Remote Desktop Gateway Nps

Replay player. Today i would like to describe step by step how can create a strong security solution for your Remote Workers without expose your Internal Network.

Remote Desktop Download

How to Install Remote Desktop Gateway Server 2016


Remote Desktop Gateway Server is a Remote Desktop Service as a Role that can use to connect the end users secure throught encryption with SSL Certificate with Remote Desktop Connection in Remote Desktop Servers or user pc.

Regardless how you configure the desktops for your end users (physical pc or terminal sessions in remote desktop servers) you can include remote desktop gateway server in connection flow to secure your traffic when connections comes outside of the company.

So let's start of how to install Remote Desktop Gateway Server in 2016

Azure Mfa Remote Desktop Certification

  • Open Server Manager
  • Click Manage -- Add Roles & Features